Strengthening Protections for Whistleblowers

A ‘complete rewrite’ of the NSW Public Interest Disclosure Legislation

Whistleblowers play a vital role in exposing wrongdoing, misconduct, and corruption in the public sector.

Since its introduction nearly thirty years ago, the Public Interest Disclosures Act 1994 has aimed to protect NSW public sector employees from reprisals when they come forward to report behaviour and activities of this kind and encourage others to speak out.

In April 2022, the NSW Parliament passed the Public Interest Disclosures Act 2022 (PID Act 2022), which is scheduled to come into force in October this year.

This will significantly change the way NSW public sector agencies and Councils respond to public interest disclosures, with the NSW Ombudsman describing the PID Act 2022 as a ‘complete rewrite’ of the 1994 legislation. The new legislation seeks to address many of the weaknesses in the PID Act 1994. Among other things, it aims to provide more comprehensive protections, including for witnesses and those involved in investigating public interest disclosures. Prior to the new legislation coming into force, NSW public sector agencies and Councils must ensure they have updated their internal policies and systems for responding to public interest disclosures, including their reporting regimes, and their staff have been made aware of the changes and trained as to their obligations where necessary. Noble Shore is here to help and we can provide you with expert advice on how to get ready for the PID changes. Contact us today on 1300 822 694 or at

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