John Renshaw

Founding Director


p: 1300 822 694

John is an experienced governance and probity expert who has worked at anti-corruption agencies such as the NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) and NSW Police Integrity Commission, during a career spanning 30 years. John is a respected senior leader in areas of probity advice and audits, fraud and corruption prevention, workplace investigation, ethical practice and conflict of interest management. He is a licenced workplace investigator who has experience in investigating, code of conduct and misconduct cases, as well as bullying and harassment complaints.

During his extensive career, he has collaborated worked with both the public and private sector and key agencies of the Commonwealth of Australia, NSW Government, Local Government NSW, and not-for-profit organisations.

Some of his latest work has seen him lead projects with Department of Defence, Endeavour Energy, Sydney Water Corporation, NSW Department of Justice, NSW Health and Transport for NSW.

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