
At Noble Shore, we specialise in providing Probity, Workplace Investigations, Dispute Resolution and Training services. We focus on delivering high quality services and value for our customers.


At Noble Shore, our experienced trainers deliver comprehensive training programs designed to enhance your workforce’s skills, strengthen working relationships, and create a strong ethical culture within your organisation. We understand that a well-trained team is the cornerstone of a successful and harmonious workplace.

We pride ourselves on offering unique and customised training programs tailored to meet the specific needs of your organisation. Our training programs include:

A Unique Set of Training Packages: We provide a variety of training modules covering essential topics to support your team’s development and growth.

Customised Training Packages: We work closely with you to develop custom training programs that address the unique challenges and objectives of your organisation.

Online Gamified Microlearning Modules: Our innovative online training modules are designed to engage your team through interactive and gamified content, making learning both effective and enjoyable.

By choosing Noble Shore for your training needs, you are investing in the future success and integrity of your organisation.

Our commitment to excellence ensures that your team receives the highest quality training, empowering them to perform at their best and uphold the highest ethical standards.

Explore the details of our training programs below and discover how we can help your organisation thrive.

Our Training Packages

For more information regarding Our Services please contact us on 1300 822 694